

Himalayan Pure Black Shilajit a indivedic product made for you to unlock your health potentials.Shilajit is a blackish-brown or pale in colour powder it is a natural substance found mainly in the Himalayan rocks of India, Nepal formed for centuries by the gradual decomposition of certain plants by the action of microorganisms. Ayurveda also promotes the use of Black Shilajit. It contains antioxidants properties which helps to balance free radicals and also helps to boost your immunity. 

What is Himalayan Pure Black Shilajit?

Himalayan Pure Black Shilajit is a 100% ayurvedic product. You get this product in the purest form of shilajit. Our Shilajit contains minerals like copper, silver, zinc, iron, also it has a high percentage of fulvic acid the higher the fulvic acid the more better it is.

A) What is the source of Shilajit?

Shilajit is a Metal & Mineral based product.

What are some key benefits of shilajit ?

  •  Reduce Alzheimer’s disease: Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative brain illness disease which causes slow thinking, lessens memory, speech problems & weight loss so according to researchers shilajit may slow or prevent this problem because it contains an antioxidant, fulvic acid it helps to this antioxidant has the ability to trigger our brain cells and slower symptoms. 
  • Treat chronic fatigue syndrome:Fatigue happens when your body cells do not produce enough energy so the feeling of tiredness, weakness or lack of energy happens so using Black Shilajit is used to enhance physical performance and relieve fatigue. This is due to the presence of fulvic and humic acid Shilajit is useful in managing fatigue in the day to day life.
  • Enhance overall health:In the society full of pressure and stress we often don’t notice the issues like hair loss,increased body fat,muscles so how can we reduce all these symptoms our shilajit is a dietary supplement so it improves heart health.

So what are some of the Myths and Misconceptions about Shilajit.

  • Myth 1. shilajit should be taken in its natural form because purification reduces the medication’s effectiveness.

This is a misconception that the purification of shilajit will reduce its nutritional value because shilajit can be toxic for your body in a raw form. Before consumption, it needs to undergo laboratory testing and receive a pure and safe certification from recognized organizations.

  • Myth 2.shilajit should not be consumed in summer. 

Shilajit can be consumed in summer but with a lot of water.we recommend you to take it according to your body type. We advise you to follow a doctor’s prescription before using shilajit. 

  • Myth 3.shilajit should not be consumed on a daily basis. 

It is important to bust this fact because it is completely fine to consume shilajit on a daily basis. It is a popular supplement to boost your immune system and increase the energy level. However we suggest you speak with a professional before using it regularly.


Shilajit is a natural product totally safe to use in your day to day life despite boosting testosterone levels, power, and sexual stamina, shilajit offers so much more. The large number of minerals is well known for promoting better human strength, skill, and endurance and energy level in the human body .However we also recommend you to see a professional once.

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